Secure your Bitcoin wallet with a BIP38 private key format
Problem to solve
Store a paper wallet without expose the actual private key.
Chosen solution: encrypt private key using BIP38 wallet format
We have the standart Wallet Import Format (WIP) to store private keys, but the BIP38 format offers a standart method for encrypting and encoding a passphrase-protected Bitcoin private key.
The BIP38 will encrypt your Bitcoin private key using AES256.
- download the Bitaddress project
- unzip the project and open the file in your browser
Generate a new Bitcoin BIP38 wallet
- go the the “Paper Wallet” tab
- check the “BIP38 Encrypt” checkbox
- enter a long, hard to gess and easy to remember passphare
- click the “Generate” button
Encrypt a Bitcoing private key you alread have using BIP38 format
- go the the “Wallet Details” tab
- enter your decrypted private key (WIF, WIFC, HEX, B64, B6, MINI)
- check the “BIP38 Encrypt” checkbox
- enter a long, hard to gess and easy to remember passphare
- click the “Encrypt BIP38” button
- do not share your private keys
- do not send Bitcoin to the example wallet here
- validate (on “Wallet Details” tab) your BIP38 private key before send funds to it
- always use a secure passphare and if possible a password manager